Sl.No. |
Study No. |
Title of the Study |
Remarks |
158 |
155 |
Evaluation of Integrated Dairy Development Project (IDDP) in Non-Operation Flood, Hilly and Backward Areas: A Study in Sikkim |
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159 |
156 |
Estimation of Seed, Feed and Wastage Ratios for Major Foodgrains in West Bengal |
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160 |
157 |
State Budgetary Resource and Agricultural Development (West Bengal) |
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161 |
158 |
Market Access and Constraints in Marketing of Goats and Their Products in West Bengal |
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162 |
159 |
Understanding the Growth and Prospects of Agro-Processing Industries in West Bengal |
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163 |
160 |
Study on Impact Evaluation of National Watershed Development for Rainfed Areas Envisages as WARASA JAN SAHBHAGITA During Tenth Plan (2002-2007) |
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164 |
161 |
Impact of Macro Management of Agriculture Scheme |
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165 |
162 |
Determinants of Stagnation in Productivity of Important Crops in West Bengal |
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166 |
163 |
Study on Impact Evaluation of National Watershed Development for Rainfed Areas Envisages as WARASA JAN SAHBHAGITA During Tenth Plan (2002-2007) (Consolidated Report) |
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167 |
164 |
Understanding the Growth and Prospects of Agro-Processing Industries (Consolidated Report) |
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168 |
165 |
Hulling and Milling Ration in Major Paddy Growing States |
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169 |
166 |
Impact Study of the National Horticulture Mission |
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170 |
167 |
Impact and Constraints Evaluation of Organic Farming in West Bengal |
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171 |
168 |
Impact of Emerging Marketing Channels in Agricultural Marketing: Benefit to Producer–Seller and Marketing Cost and Margins of Agricultural Commodities – A Study in West Bengal |
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172 |
169 |
Impact of NREGA on Wage Rates, Food Security and Rural Urban Migration in West Bengal |
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173 |
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Synoptic View of Studies Conducted Since 1995 in West Bengal |
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174 |
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Report on the State of India Agriculture: West Bengal Experience (Based on the Studies Conducted by the Centre during 1995-2010) |
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175 |
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State Agricultural Profile |
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176 |
170 |
Impact of NREGA on Wage Rates, Food Security and Rural Urban Migration in Sikkim |
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177 |
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End-term Evaluation of Study/Appraisal in Respect of the Bringing Green Revolution in Eastern India (BGREI) Program in West Bengal |
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178 |
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End-term Evaluation of Study/Appraisal in Respect of the Bringing Green Revolution in Eastern India (BGREI) Program (Consolidated Report) |
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179 |
171 |
Assessment of Crop-wise Marketable and Marketed Surplus of Paddy in West Bengal |
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180 |
172 |
Assessment of Pre and Post Harvest Losses in Rice and Wheat in West Bengal |
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181 |
173 |
Problems and Prospects of Oilseeds Production in West Bengal |
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182 |
174 |
Baseline Data on Area, Production and Productivity of Horticulture Crops in Sikkim |
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183 |
175 |
Effect of Farm Mechanization on Agricultural Growth and Comparative Economics of Labour and Machinery |
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184 |
176 |
Spread of New Varieties of Hybrid Rice and their Impact on the Overall Production and Productivity (Consolidated Report) and Productivity in West Bengal |
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185 |
177 |
Spread of New Varieties of Hybrid Rice and their Impact on the Overall Production and Productivity (Consolidated Report) |
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186 |
178 |
End Term Evaluation Study in Respect of the Implementation of Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern India (BGREI) Program (Consolidated Report) |
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187 |
179 |
Adoption of recommended doses of fertilizers on soil test basis by farmers |
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188 |
180 |
Impact on National Food Security Mission on Input Use, Production, Productivity and Income in India |
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189 |
181 |
A Study on Productivity and Profitability in Agriculture and Horticulture in Eastern Himalayan Region |
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190 |
182 |
Evaluation and Assessment of Economic Losses on Account of Inadequate Post-Harvest Infrastructure Facilities for Fisheries Sector in West Bengal |
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191 |
183 |
Farmer Suicides in West Bengal |
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192 |
184 |
Indigenous Rice Varieties in Sundarban delta and their role in ensuring local security in the face of climate threats |
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193 |
185 |
Economic Analysis of Cost and Return of off -Season Vegetables with Focus on Poly Houses Effect in Sikkim |
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194 |
186 |
An Economic Analysis of Protected Cultivation under MIDH in Sikkim |
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195 |
187 |
Assessment of the Status of Dairying and Potential to Improve Socio-Economic Status of the Milk Producers in West Bengal |
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196 |
188 |
Performance Evaluation of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) in west Bengal |
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197 |
189 |
Rural Livelihood Diversification in West Bengal |
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198 |
190 |
Improving Water Use Efficiency in India’s Agriculture: The Impact, Benefits and Challenges of Micro-Irrigation under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sichai Yojana: Per Drop More Crop (PMKSY-PDMC) in Sikkim |
To be Uploaded |
199 |
191 |
To be Uploaded |
200 |
192 |
Village Survey Study in West Bengal (Sahajapur village in Birbhum District) |
To be Uploaded |